Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
We operate a platform around online phishing prevention. People can report websites, check websites to see whether they are phishing or learn more about phishing scams. Our goal is to make it accessible to as many users as possible, including not technology affine people which are using the internet and therefore are the most exposed to phishing.
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
Designs zur Inspiration
Weitere Anmerkungen
The logo itself should convey trust and security. If possible please try to incorporate the brand name into the logo. This is not mandatory though.
Our parent company has the name Octobyte. We don't have a final brand design/logo yet but a direction we are heading towards. As ScamScan is our first product it will influence our overall brand appearance. I've added our current concept as it might help as inspiration. You do not need to copy anything from it though.
A similarity I've though about is that ScamScan helps people to avoid phishing. And phishing implies fishes. And from the parent company's name Octobyte which is derived from an Octopus they both have the sea/water in common.
I am looking forward to creative and conclusive concepts!
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Gewinner dieses Wettbewerbs
1 x Marken-Styleguide
Finale Dateien
Wenn Sie Schriften verwenden, die eine Lizenz erfordern, klären Sie zunächst mit dem Kunden, ob er damit einverstanden ist. Aus Lizenzgründen ist es besser dem Kunden die Informationen zur Schriftart mitzuteilen und wie man diese kaufen kann, ohne dabei die eigentlichen Dateien zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.