Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
BirdieLight is a non-profit targeting fentanyl usage. We will raise awareness around synthetic drug overdoses caused by unknown fentanyl content. The name is symbolic in a few ways. Birdie was the nickname of our loved one who passed and the reason we started this. The aspect of light points to the "canary in a coal mine" analogy. We would like the logo to be a bird carrying a lantern in its mouth or a bird with a headlamp. Two versions to choose from would be great, and we are not tied to specific colors.
Full business description:
BirdieLight is an educational initiative founded to fight the catastrophic increase in fentanyl deaths in young people, particularly in central Ohio. In 2021, deaths from accidental Fentanyl poisoning have increased nearly two- fold, and continue to rise. More than 93,000 Americans fatally overdosed in 2020, a 23% increase from the previous year, and in Ohio over 5200 fatal overdoses were reported in that time period; 75% of these overdoses were related to synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl.
Our program aims to prevent loss of life due to accidental Fentanyl ingestion, by educating young people through small-group outreach and candid conversations, and also by arming them with tools to prevent Fentanyl ingestion, such as Fentanyl test strips.
Medizin & Pharmazie
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
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Weitere Anmerkungen
I’m interested in pictorial logos. We like the idea of the bird graphic. The topic is serious but we think this can add a fun, cute element. The bird will be the character that represents the brand. We'd love to see the text without the bird, with the bird, and then bird by itself as well. Thanks!
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Finale Dateien
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Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.