Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
The Body Shop
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Please feel free to be creative for a slogan.
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
The Body Shop is (or will be) a fitness gym located in the town of Frederiksted on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. It is the latest big project from our property development company (Evolve USVI).
GEO HISTORY: Frederiksted is considered the most historically relevant town in the entire Caribbean. The architecture is significant because of the signature Danish masonry arches with Victorian accents. (Feel free to look up "Fireburn, Frederiksted" for a lot more about our town's rich history.)
COMPANY HISTORY: Evolve purchases old, mis-managed and under-utilized properties in distressed neighborhoods and adaptively re-uses the properties in order to put them back into service and attract residents back into urban areas. This building was originally an old feed shop and most recently used as an automotive workshop.
CONCEPT: We plan to incorporate a mostly open air facility by utilizing a number of glass garage doors, vaulted ceilings and skylights throughout the property with an indoor palm tree in the middle of the facility. We also plan to utilize the latest and most advanced physical exercise equipment. Electricity is extremely expensive on an island so all of our equipment feedbacks into "the grid". Our patrons will literally be turning their workout routines into electricity. We plan to offer/incorporate free weights, cardio, universal equipment, racquetball, yoga, spin, zoomba, crossfit and other classes. along with a juice bar.
SUGGESTION: Perhaps we utilize some sort of a mascot in various costumes indicating all the things people can do at the gym with a consistent background? Ideally the logo would look good in a perfectly square format as well as a vertical format, but that may be asking too much so we're flexible.
We cannot WAIT to see what you come up with... GOOD LUCK!!
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
The perfect logo needs to look good in monochrome as well as full color (this will make it less expensive to advertise in a variety of settings.
Designs zur Inspiration
Weitere Anmerkungen
NOT a requirement, but we would love to use my partner's collection of unusual cars to tie in the gym with it's old purpose as an automotive workshop. The signature car we would love to use is a 1977 International Harvester. Note: We are willing to change the color of the car. When you take the top off the car it looks particularly "beachy" which goes nicely with the rest of our unique island location but we need to be careful to make sure people know that we're a fitness gym, the structure has been vacant for decades and we're NOT an auto workshop anymore.
Wettbewerb Deliverables
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