Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
We are a watch brand located in the Pacific Northwest, catering to the young, modern and sophisticated men. We plan on expanding to eyewear and other accessories, so keep that in mind when designing the logo. We want something simple, slick, and modern, but something that screams luxury.
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
Designs zur Inspiration
Weitere Anmerkungen
This is the second contest for the same brand, we ended up not using the winner from the first contest because we think it was too similar to the Baileys logo (last contest logo included in attachment).
We like these logos that we've included as attachment, so something along those lines is what we're going for. We would like a logo, and then BOBANI in a font that compliments the logo, underneath the logo itself.
We aspire for the brand to be in the broad category of Tag Heuer, Citizen, Armani, Hugo Boss, etc...
These are guidelines, but we are ultimately looking for someone with a vision, to take what is written and shown here, add their own spin/touch on it and blow us away.
If you need more info in order to really nail this and win the contest, please ask.
Thank you.
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Finale Dateien
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Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.