Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Perfectly Human Distributor
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Empowering Change, Inspiring Hope.
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Inspiring resilience, morality, and integrity, our mission at PHD is to champion emotionally neglected and abused children, highlighting leadership remissnesses and
advocating for change. We inspire hope and motivate action to create a world where every child is safe and supported, stopping the cycle of generational Emotional Child Neglect/Abused (ECNA) . Through survivor-led initiatives, we assist in building a better future holistically and addressing the root causes of ECNA and making adjustments before our future deteriorates.
Alternate version:
Advocating for neglected and abused children, PHD empowers through empathy, inspiring action and fostering change for a brighter future where children are viewed as the architects of a better tomorrow. We believe in survivorship and holistic practices, harnessing our collective strength to create lasting change.
Target Audience:
18-45 yr old humans. Our ideal customer is strong, fearless, and deeply passionate about social justice and making a positive impact in the world. Embodying the resilience of a survivor. They are eager about creating a better future for themselves and for future generations. PHD as an inspirational symbol, representing resilience and hope in the face of adversity. They are drawn to PHD as a symbol of empowerment and hope, seeking products that align with their values of social responsibility and holistic lifestyles. They appreciate a laid-back, comfortable aesthetic that reflects their minimalist lifestyle.
My personal style in boho/minimalist. I am attracted to texture while not looking to flashy.
It does not need to have my slogan.
You can use acronym
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
Farben zum Entdecken

Weitere Farbanforderungen
I'm open to creativity
Designs zur Inspiration
Weitere Anmerkungen
Simple, symmetrical. Can use acronym. I really want to convey that I am blaming the government for the genational child emotional neglect. I am not only bringing awareness but also change. I was a neglected and abused child. I the focused my career in Children's Services as an investigator
Wettbewerb Deliverables
1 x Logo
Finale Dateien
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Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.