
Book-cover design for the history book "Fourteen Battle Stars"
Book cover design for the novel "A Tangled Web"
Book cover for the novel "Dreamcatcher: Sacrifice" – the fithe book in the Dreamcatcher series
Book Cover for a Novel "Still Life"
Cover Design: A Hate Crime in Brooklyn
Book Cover for Sci Fi Novel "Steele High"
Cover for the Anthology Of Tales From The Authors Of The I Am An Author Program "Little People Big Voices"
Poster for a class "An Ancient Tale, New-Told: Neuroscience & Story"
A book cover design for Plowman: Harvest of Grain and Innocence
Book cover for "Masterful Awakening"
Cover design for the novel "What are the Chances?"
Book cover design for novel "TRESPASSER"

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Mitglied seit: 22. März 2015


"Mario Lampic is a first-rate professional."
Profilbildcharle5 vor 13 Tage bewertet
"Great work and design on this project! "
Profilbildchrishurst200t vor 16 Tage bewertet
"Mario executed the vision perfectly, and always creates stunning front covers."
ProfilbildCentralParkSouthPub vor 18 Tage bewertet
"Another wonderful collaboration! I'm very happy with the results!"
Profilbilddreamasterbooks vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Mario absolutely understood what we wanted and made it happen quickly. He's quick to respond to comments and make changes, and his work is just lovely! "
ProfilbildannNJ vor etwa 2 Monate bewertet