Titel und Autor
Consulting For Equity: How to Escape the Time-For-Money Trap
Roland Frasier
Foto des Autors
Roland is a “recovering attorney” and co-founder/principal of 5 different Inc. Magazine fastest growing companies in the e-commerce, e-learning, real estate, and SaaS spaces.
He is a serial entrepreneur who has founded, scaled, or sold over two dozen different businesses ranging from consumer products to live events to manufacturing companies with sales ranging from $3 million to just under $4 billion.
Roland has been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Money, Business Insider, Fast Company, and on major television networks.
He has interviewed Sir Richard Branson, Spanx founder Sarah Blakely and many other industry leaders on his award-winning Business Lunch podcast.
He has produced infomercials with Guthy-Renker, completed publishing deals with Simon & Schuster and Random House, negotiated shows with major hotels on the Las Vegas strip, funded over 100 private and public offerings, run an international hedge fund, and advised major brands (from PepsiCo to Uber to McDonald’s) on a variety of business issues.
He currently lives in Rancho Santa Fe, California, and invests in and advises business owners on how to leverage, grow, scale and exit their companies.
How to use consulting to get paid, add recurring revenue, and get equity deals.
high-ticket coaches, consultants, experts, agency owners, mentors, entrepreneurs, and business owners that come from different backgrounds and all different age groups.
Details zur Ihrem Buch
Buchcover Typ
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- Untertitel
Title: Consulting For Equity
Subtitle: How to Escape the Time-For-Money Trap
Author's Name: Roland Frasier
- Klappentext
- Barcode/ISBN
After the pandemic hit our industry, I turned a simple idea into 20,000 Customers using a Simple 5 Day Challenge that immediately brought in over $5,500,000 in revenue. This was my EPIC Challenge.
But the bigger breakthrough came when I stopped EVERY energy-sucking “gotta minute” and “mind if I pick your brain” moments into immediate $25,000 Half-Day Consulting Deals.
This one simple change brought in over $1.1 million dollars in HALF day consulting fees that led to over $30,000,000 in new Equity Value from these clients.
While immediately increasing RECURRING Revenue...and increasing my net worth.
In this book, I’ll tell you how I stumbled across this and created a brand new way for Coaches, Consultants, and Experts of any kind to build wealth while getting paid for it called “Consulting For Equity!”.
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Erste Seite
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Erste Seite des E-Books – Details
Title: Consulting For Equity
Subtitle: How to Escape the Time-For-Money Trap
Author's Name: Roland Frasier
Letzte Seite
- Klappentext
Letzte Seite des E-Books – Details
After the pandemic hit our industry, I turned a simple idea into 20,000 Customers using a Simple 5 Day Challenge that immediately brought in over $5,500,000 in revenue. This was my EPIC Challenge.
But the bigger breakthrough came when I stopped EVERY energy-sucking “gotta minute” and “mind if I pick your brain” moments into immediate $25,000 Half-Day Consulting Deals.
This one simple change brought in over $1.1 million dollars in HALF day consulting fees that led to over $30,000,000 in new Equity Value from these clients.
While immediately increasing RECURRING Revenue...and increasing my net worth.
In this book, I’ll tell you how I stumbled across this and created a brand new way for Coaches, Consultants, and Experts of any kind to build wealth while getting paid for it called “Consulting For Equity!”.
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