Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dem Gewinner-Designer Kenosisdre
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
a House of Poetry
Unterhaltung & Künste
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
I write/perform poetry and sell books to members of the African American community. My goal is to use the arts to awaken the minds of the people.
Inhaltliche Details
I would like a book cover design for our upcoming book. It is the first of a screenplay series. The name of the book is Pearls Before Swine, below is the synopsis:
"When two young black men are accused of raping Ja’mella Jones, a famous hair stylist on the West Side of Chicago, it sends the media into chaotic excitement. The state appoints Tina Brown to the case as their defense lawyer. Tired of boring meetings, she is delighted to finally be assigned her first case. There’s only one problem: one of the men sells drugs to her best friend. In addition, everyone involved or related to the case, from the journalist Sidney Jackson to Ja’mella’s nurse Tonya Sanchez, are finding forbidden magical diamonds said to curse those rejecting its power."
Do Ms. Brown’s personal ties to the case affect her judgment? In what way are the diamonds connected and do they have a secret of their own?
I've revised this brief to add more detail to what I'm looking for. Otherwise I am looking forward to seeing some great creativity! The only other requirement I have is the usage of the books logo somewhere on the design.
Weitere Anmerkungen
Please use the following tagline: "How far is one willing to go...to avoid the truth?"
I added a picture for inspiration of what I'm looking for.
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